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required documents

Mali CTN

  • Master Bill of Lading
  • Commercial Invoice
  • Freight Invoice


  1. Firstly, send the required documents to

Otherwise, you can upload them directly to the CTN Dashboard, if you have an account.

  1. You will then get a draft, invoice and payment instructions.
  2. Following draft approval and payment, the final validation is submitted.

3 Ways to submit documents

To enhance accessibility, we still offer three different methods to request a CTN. Our clients may choose to email the documents, secondly you can upload online and thirdly you can use our CTN dashboard. Regardless of the chosen option, our team is undoubtedly dedicated to ensuring a prompt and efficient delivery of the requested CTN.

Email documents

Once you send us an email with your attachments and our team will take care of the rest.

  • Following the initial request, all communications will be handled through email.


CTN Dashboard


Directly upload documents to our CTN dashboard, you can immediately track the progress of your submission from initiated to complete.

  • In addition, you are able to pay online ensuring convenience and security. Consolidate and organize all your CTNs in one central location saving you time in the long run.
Dual Device Dashboard Display

Upload Online

Simply drag and drop all of your documents below to submit them for review.

  • We will have your draft and invoice prepared and delivered within the following two hours.


Online Upload

Maximum file size: 2MB


  • You will receive a copy of the draft and invoice generally about 2 hours after document submission.
  • Requested changes will be fixed straightaway on the same business day.
  • Immediately after approval of the draft and payment, the CTN will be submitted for validation.
  • In under 24 hours the CTN will be complete.

important information

  • The CTN must be validated before the vessel arrives at the destination
  • There is no regularization in the destination port

Mali CTN

Application Process

The following documents are required to initiate a Mali CTN. Send them in an email or upload them to the dashboard. Each CTN will then follow the steps listed below, after the documents are received.

Track the steps in real time through the dashboard.

Required Documents Mali

Track the Progress

To begin filing a CTN, submit your documents through email or by uploading them to the dashboard. We will then provide you with an invoice and draft.

On our CTN dashboard, you can track the process from initiated to validated. With one click from your desktop or mobile device, you can immediately access all documents and validations.

Confirm your approval of the draft or request corrections. If any corrections are needed, our team will quickly provide you with a new draft for review. Once the draft is approved and payment is received, we will then submit the CTN for validation.

We will email the final certificate to you as soon as it becomes available. However, in instances where we have been authorized to carry out the validations, we will send the final certificate to you promptly upon receipt of your approval and payment.

“AfricaCTN is a pioneer in the CTN industry and has been committed to providing efficient and reliable service for over 15 years. Our success is rooted in extensive experience and above all, dedication to meeting the needs of our valued customers.”
Chris Russell

Shipping Incoterms

The term “Incoterms” is an abbreviation for International Commercial Terms.  The terms are used in international commercial transactions. The terms were created in 1936 by

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