Togo Vehicle Shippers

Togolese Authority has ordered that every vehicle shipped to togo must have a separate and individual ECTN certificate. As example, a container containing three vehicles must have three separate ECTNs. Each vehicle will be billed separately under the Togolese tariff. If containers contain cargo in addition to the vehicles, an additional ECTN is also required for the container.

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Effortlessly upload your documents and seamlessly track the progress of each CTN. Access the history of all your CTNs in a single location for easy reference.


We take pride in being the authorized agent for 15 African countries. We also provide dependable CTN services to all African nations that require a CTN.


AfricaCTN is the only provider of cargo tracking notes that actively utilizes artificial intelligence to improve the speed and accuracy of CTN submissions.


We offer unparalleled customer service and will guide you through the CTN process. Call now, and we will provide you with the assistance you need.

“As a pioneer in the CTN industry, AfricaCTN has been committed to providing efficient and reliable service for over 15 years. Our success is rooted in our extensive experience and dedication to meeting the needs of our valued customers.”
Chris Russell