

Maritrade USA and CIS Merge into AfricaCTN

CIS and Maritrade USA Merge to form AfricaCTN as of Jan 1, 2019. Companies looking to ship goods to the continent of Africa can find complete Cargo Tracking Note (CTN) services in one convenient location beginning January 1, 2019, with AfricaCTN LLC. The new joint venture combines the breath and experience of two experienced CTN corporations, Commercial International Services (CIS) and MaritradeUSA. More than a decade ago, CIS became one of the first USA-based companies offering complete CTN services to all African countries requiring CTNs. This conglomeration with MaritradeUSA is the next logical step in providing both company’s clients with

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Launch of AfricaCTN USA

Today we are excited to launch AfricaCTN USA. By combining Maritrade USA and Commercial International Services, we are able to offer the easiest, most convenient and fastest processing of CTN’s from any load port in the world to all African countries that require CTN’s. No longer will you have to figure out who to contact for your CTN. Just contact us and we will handle the entire process for you. If you are a freight forwarder or shipper and you have cargo going to Africa, contact us today to simplify your CTN processing. Our state-of-the-art website allows customers easy access to an on-line quoting tool and

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